Drug addiction and rehab research articles.

3 September 2020

Rebuilding After Rehab

You’ve worked hard and achieved your sobriety—Congratulations! But now it’s time to leave the safe haven of rehab and get back to real life. Searidge Foundation has an excellent and comprehensive Aftercare program to help you along the way as you get back to your day-to-day routine of work and […]
3 September 2020

Kratom: A Promising Treatment or A New Addiction?

What is Kratom? Kratom is a tropical plant grown in Southeast Asia. For centuries, it has been used for pain relief and as a mild stimulant. The leaves of kratom, from the same family as the coffee plant, can be chewed, dried and smoked, or made into tea or capsules. […]
3 September 2020

Addiction, Self-Awareness, and Recovery

What is Self-Awareness? To be self-aware is to be aware of your feelings, motivations, behaviours, thoughts and sensations. For example, it may be understanding your motivations for drug use, instead of remaining in denial about your addiction. Self-awareness may also include an awareness of the triggers which lead to your […]
3 September 2020

Cold Medicine Abuse and Addiction

What is Dextromethorphan? Dextromethorphan, also known as DXM, is a cough suppressant found in over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications. In fact, DXM can be found in over 100 easily accessible medications. When used as directed, DXM is a safe and effective product. However, the euphoria and dissociative effects, similar […]
3 September 2020

Efficient or Addicted? The Use of Study Drugs

The Spread of Study Drugs on University Campuses As mid-term season approaches and students prepare graduate school applications, many seek an extra boost for their academics. When stress is high and time is short, a portion of students turn to “Study Drugs” such as Adderall or Ritalin to get an […]
3 September 2020

Drug Addiction in Baby Boomers

Drug Addiction in Baby Boomers The baby boomers grew-up in an age of bell bottoms, The Beatles, and experimental drug use. As they reached adulthood, responsibilities mounted and drug use waned. However, drug addiction in the baby boomer generation has been steadily climbing over the past decade, as they return […]
3 September 2020

Drug Culture on the University Campus

Drug use on University Campuses Drug use is pervasive on university campuses. University is a time when young adults receive a real taste of freedom, and often take this time to experiment with many new experiences, including drugs. The increased freedom, high stress and pressure for peer conformity result in […]

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