Drug addiction and rehab research articles.

3 September 2020

Long Path to Battle Drug Addiction

For many years the medical profession treated addiction as a subject to be dealt with by those in the psychiatric fields, an issue of the mind. However, new studies linking addiction to heredity and chemical imbalances that may need to be treated by pharmaceutical means are turning the age old […]
3 September 2020

Scientist in China Makes Unique Discovery: Plant Micro-genes Found in Human Bloodstreams

Professor Chenyu Zhang, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology chair at Nanjing University has made a discovery about certain plant foods—including rice, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts—that promises to revolutionize the way we conduct our nutrition as well as our overall health. Zhang and his team have discovered the possibility of […]
3 September 2020

Searidge Drug Rehab Promotes Better Sleep

Melatonin in the Form of Dessert? Do any of these names ring a bell for you? Kush Cakes, Lulla Pies, or Lazy Cakes? Some people may say yes to this question and some may have never heard of these products before. The above three mentioned products are easily attainable baked […]
3 September 2020

Seriousness of Laughing Gas and Recreational Drug Abuse

Just a Joke? Nitrous Oxide has become a popular recreational drug in these past few years. People may recognize the name and immediately think about the dentist or baking, maybe even car racing depending on what they are into. To some though, Nitrous Oxide is used as another way to […]
3 September 2020

Health Ministers Urge Delay of Generic OxyContin

Will a Delay Save Lives? All the provincial health ministers are asking Ottawa for a postponement for the approval of a generic form of OxyContin. Nova Scotia’s health minister, David Wilson announced on Thursday that there was a collective agreement between all territorial and provincial ministers delay until there was […]
3 September 2020

Animals and Addiction

Does Animal Therapy Help? Alcohol or drug addiction – many people are still under the impression that addiction is a “choice”; that those who suffer from addiction just need to “pull themselves together” or “just say no”. We live in a society that encourages individualism and perpetuates a general dichotomy that […]

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