Drug Addiction Treatment in Privacy and Comfort
At Searidge Drug Rehab we maintain a small capacity in order to ensure that every resident knows that they are an important part of our small community. This is the same reason why we provide each and every resident with the privacy and comfort of a large room with private bathroom equipped with a bathtub and shower and a personal patio that overlooks our extensive property.
This personal space presents residents with an area to reflect on the activities of the day in psychotherapy and alternative therapies, to complete assignments and to consider your plans for the future. With high speed internet, cable television and a large private room, we offer all the comforts of home – and some you may not have at home, such as air conditioning!
Having a private room not only affords residents the space in which to recover and rejuvenate but also provides a worry-free environment in which the habits of another resident cannot be a problem. Living in such a distraction free environment allows those who stay with us to focus on what is important: themselves, and their personal drug addiction treatment plan.
The most important element to this privacy is being able to sleep whenever you feel the need. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is crucial to a successful recovery. As insomnia commonly leads to self-medication it is one of the most common causes for relapse.
Our clinical team and support staff at Searidge Drug Rehab equips each resident with addiction recovery techniques that support our residents in establishing this sleep schedule. Activities like meditation can be performed privately in the comfort of your room or personal patio overlooking the beauty of the Annapolis Valley. These techniques help to clear the mind of any troublesome thoughts and promote the relaxation that can lead to a good sleep, preparing you for bedtime.
Recovery is a challenging journey and having a personal space to come home to at the end of a long day in therapy is crucial. At Searidge Drug Rehab we work with our residents to ensure they feel welcome, supported and inspired each and every day on the road to recovery.
Developing regular sleeping patterns is one of the first major steps towards drug addiction recovery. Drug addiction adversely affects sleep quality, and sleep deprivation has significant negative effects on both the body and mind.
A study was conducted at the University of Chicago that deprived a number of young and healthy individuals of a small amount of sleep over six nights. The results of this study showed that the subjects’ hormonal profiles had aged considerably over the week. Each subject demonstrated an increase in stress hormones and a decrease in the hormones responsible for cell repair. They had also developed imbalances that lead to insulin resistance and weight gain.
This deprivation also led to reduced immunity and increased vulnerability to any diseases. Even small reductions in sleep significantly reduced white blood cell activity. It has a negative effect on the mind and the mood by decreasing the ability for creative thought, good judgement, motivation and focus, also leading to much more impulsive, depressive and volatile moods.
As drug abuse already impairs the ability to get a good sleep, it is crucial at this stage in recovery to work towards healing your mind and body with proper rest and rejuvenation. This is why Searidge Drug Rehab provides residents with their own private and comfortable rooms to retire to at the end of the day, or even for a late afternoon nap. We want our residents to recover in peace and quiet and discover the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Not only does this significantly improve health, it also increases the chances of recovery and a maintained sobriety.