11 September 2020

My Letter To You

My name is Adam, I’m from PEI and am now married and live with an angel in Pictou, N.S. She has to be an angel to have put up with my bullshit, and throughout it all she saw a gem. Can you imagine that, a gem. A few months ago […]
11 September 2020

Addressing the Roots of Opiate Addiction

My experience at Searidge has been phenomenal. The support here, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Everyone is so caring. I’ve learned stuff I never could have imagined learning before. Things I never knew before. I thought I knew everything—but I didn’t. What I like about Searidge, is that they […]
11 September 2020

Overcoming Two Addictions

It has been one of the most enlightening experiences that I could have ever been a part of. My transition from being an overly aggressive, very inconsiderate individual has now been transformed into a person of love. It didn’t come without hard work, because it damn well wasn’t easy. I […]